Sunday, December 15, 2013

Were you born in or after 1996?

If so, YOU are the first man who is elligible to challenge the 1996 ban on FGM (female genital mutilation/cutting), in the USA! It is a sexist law that only protects 1/2 the population. Only female genitals are protected from being cut, but males get ZERO protection for their genitals. It is a law that is unconstitutional and discriminatory. It is a law that needs to be expanded to include ALL children, and not just a special and chosen few. It is vital that you act before you turn 19. You have one year to initiate legal action if you wish to try to expand this law so that it will protect both, girls and boys from all forced genital cutting. Please contact David J. Llewellyn to discuss your case:

see the full text of law here:

Wendi from Grayson, Georgia 12/15/13

Nick from Georgia